Texel Show Flocks of the Year 2023

Just as another show season is about to kick off, the Irish Texel Sheep Society recognised the efforts of the members of the different regions put in over the last year showing Texel’s. This was done through the annual show flock competition.  The winners were as follows:


West of Ireland: Coming out on top  was renowned show flock Tom Kenny of the Hillswood flock.


Donegal: Another big supporter of the shows Dwayne Sheils of the Woodtown flock.


South East: It was another father and son duo this time with John and Neil Kidd of Treemore Texel’s .


Midlands: This went to Flor Ryan of the Lawn flock again no stranger to the show circuit and  major advocate of the breed.


North East: Coming out top this time was another top attender of local shows  Jimmy Garrivan of the Clew  bay flock.


North East: This time it was  one of our newest members Matthew Harrison of the Tullyraghan flock. This  is major achievement for this up & coming flock coming out on top in this stong showing region.


South West: The father & son team of Arthur and Patrick of Keeffe came out tops in both the regional and were then awarded the  Overall show flock of the year. The O’Keeffe’s are consistent winners of this competition having won the title for the past four years.


Well done to everyone that showed Texel sheep over the last year, it’s your effort and dedication that keeps our breed to forefront of people’s minds and the largest breed out there.


Remember the clock stars fresh now and no one knows who could be the next show flock of the year or regional show flock of year. Local shows are an ideal way to show the sheep you have and to showcase the breed overall. Each region has nominated three shows that points can be picked up at to be on the leaderboard this year, liaise with your local region officers for details and get entering cause it could be you.Sienad Brophy Secretary, Flor Ryan Ryann Texels, Jimmy Garvin Clew Bay Texels, Arthur O'Keeffe Annakisha Texels, Michael Donohoe for Matthew Harrison and John Neville

June 3rd, 2024|News|